Google Penguin Recovery Services

We Give you the boost to stay ahead in the race

Slapped With A Google Penguin Penalty? Our Google Penguin Recovery Services Can Help!

Did you experience a tremendous drop in your website traffic? Are you worried as your business website has been hit by Google Penguin Penalty? Fret not! We can recover your website with our updated Google Penguin Recovery Services!

What is Google Penguin Penalty?

Introduced in April 2012, a little more than a year after the Panda algorithm, Google Penguin is also a Google algorithm. While Panda was focused on penalizing a low-quality content on the business websites, Penguin, on the other hand, was focused on various SEO tactics used on the websites. The main aim of Google Penguin Update was to drop the rankings of the websites in the Search Engines, those were having low-quality backlinks or using link-wheeling.

We Can Help!

Being slapped or hit with a Google Penguin Penalty does not mean a full-stop to your business. Partnering with a reputable Google Penguin Recovery service provider like Search Eccentric can possibly help to restore your website’s traffic and generate leads. We have acquired over 10 years of experience in regaining affected websites and escaping Google Penguin Penalty.

Being one of the best Digital Marketing Company in India, we have a perfect blend of effective management and quick recovery models in order to support our valuable clients. We have successfully helped many of our clients in restoring more than the previous level of website’s traffic with the constant help of our dedicated team of experts.

Our Penguin Recovery Process

Penguin applies penalty to SERP ranking and hence decrease your web visibility. Our process includes following steps

Backlinks Backlinks Checking

We begin the process of finding all the links that are pointing to your domain.  Our team of experts does a complete manual link audit in order to find if any malicious patterns present in your backlink profile. We maintain a detailed sheet of all these backlinks.

Creating Disavow Files Creating Disavow Files

Once the entire backlinks are checked, our team then create a disavow file that includes all the suspicious backlink responsible to drop your website ranking, or those that are not adding value to your website. The disavowed links are then replaced with organic high-quality backlinks in order to get top search engine rankings.


Submitting Request Submitting Request

Our experts keep a close eye on the search results, and in case there are some changes notified by Google, we request to recover your business website from Penguin penalty.

keyword-targeting Monitoring

Our team of experts at Search Eccentric, then monitor the overall progress of your website and check the Penguin Recovery.


What Makes Us Different From Others?

Established in 2008, Search Eccentric is one of the leading Digital Marketing Company in India. We have a dedicated team of experienced experts that know what it takes to help our clients recover from Google Penguin Penalty. Still wondering what makes us different?  Scroll down to take a look of these important pointers that set “Search Eccentric” apart from the other Digital Marketing agencies.

Dedicated Team


Here at Search Eccentric, we have a dedicated team of experts that will review your backlinks to trace the malicious patterns in your backlink profile. Our experts will preserve the high-quality backlinks that are driving value to your website.

Prompt Support


Our team will monitor the overall progress in the Penguin Recovery of your website. Also, our experts will help you tuning in the careful strategy that has been designed for your business.

Tools And Techniques

Tools and Techniques

We use proprietary tools for getting complete insight into the system. We facilitate the recovery system through data gathering for execution and offering end-to-end services.



We believe in maintaining a level of transparency and keep our clients informed about each and every stage of their recovery system.

If you are not sure to take the challenge of recovering from Google Penguin Penalty by yourself, give us a call at (888) 271-1530 today!

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