Popular SEO myths that you should discard

In SEO myths


With so much of transformation happening around SEO and SEM, many misconceptions have touched the minds of experts and individuals. The following myths and related facts should be able clarify doubts and any confusion.

SEO Myths

Myth 1: It is necessary to submit my site in search engines like Google

Most folks are of the opinion that it is mandatory to manually submit ones website in Google in order to appear in search results. However this concept is absolutely baseless and holds no significance whatsoever. Although, you can submit your URL to Google since you have a brand new website but Google can still detect your website even if you don’t submit it at all. It is also to be noted that a simple submission does not guarantee anything. Crawlers would still detect your website and in due time would index it.

Myth 2: SEO is only relevant to ranking

While there is a strong belief that SEO is only about ranking but this belief is incorrect. There is a strong correlation between SERPs and click-through rates however ranking is not the major goal. Search results nowadays are being appended with content or text which is rich and engaging. In fact, before this had all happened, even if you were ranked higher and getting tons of traffic coming your way do you think that you would earn anything out of it unless the content had made any sense? It’s time to shift goals now and rethink in different terms.

Myth 3: Ranking number one is imperative

While studying click-through rates and viewer behavior, results revealed that it is not necessary to be ranked number one. Even if you are ranked below the top three search engine results viewer behavior remains the same. With search results being appended with author profiles and rich snippets, you would see a drastic improvement in click-through rates. So, you need not be ranked in the top three search engine results however you should strive to be rated on the first page of any SERPs.

Myth 4: I do not have technical expertise so I cannot manage my SEO Campaign

Most individuals think or have the perception that SEO really requires considerable technical expertise however this is not true. There is absolutely no rocket science attached with SEO and some basic knowledge can get your ball rolling. Optimizing your website for crawlers, setting up redirects, robots.txt and XML sitemap are a few key activities that can be done independently.

Myth 5: Focus more on links rather than content

Most site owners are confused about whether they should focus more on content or on creating links. Although links are an important and integral part of any website but content has its own relevance. With the change in Google’s algorithm, focus would be given more on content. So, in case you can hire someone who can manage your content for you then that would be a smart move altogether.

Myth 6: Content alone triumphs

Most people are of the misconception that having content on some good blogging website would be sufficient to establish effective SEO for his or her website. However this is not true. Although good content may take you a long way however this is not the only tool. You need to create content in various forms like articles or PRs which should be engaging enough to attract audiences.

Myth 7: SEO and Social Media have nothing in common

Both SEO and Social Media go hand in hand and are referred to what is called Social Search. For many years, both Social Media and Search have helped site owners in increasing their site visibility. The content and the posting that is submitted into any social media account should also be optimized and this where SEO plays a crucial role.

Myth 8: On-Page SEO is all I need

Deciding your list of keywords and simply placing it on your website cannot do much in enhancing your site’s visibility. You can go ahead and have a wonderful on-page SEO put in place but that is only one part of the job done. For you to be able to create an impact you need to have a holistic approach. This would consists of both on-page and off-page optimization as well as social media engagement

Myth 9: Keywords need to be in exact sync

It is not necessary that your keywords need to be in exact sync with a page of content. You can use them in the title or in the html tags. You can also use specific keywords to target a specific web page that would explain to the audience what the page is all about.

Myth 10: My home page needs to be full of content

At times, you may have come across websites that have tons of content on their home pages or on the contrary websites that have very little content. Perceive your home page as the gateway to your business. It is this page that needs to create an impression. So, ideally your content should not be so short or too long. It should be enough to best describe you, your business and the products and services you wish to offer.


These top ten myths and related facts cover most of the story running behind search engine marketing. With Google and other search engines coming up with newer and better algorithms the way you may want to enhance the visibility of your website is bound to change. So, be on a look out for new facts and keep yourself updated.

About Us

SEO India – Search Eccentric has considerable experience in the domain of online or digital marketing services and has done significant research in this field. This is not only his passion but he has taken this as his professional career. Further, he would want to keep the audience updated about what’s happening and what’s real in the field of digital marketing.

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