How Can You Popular Your Killer Content

In Google Update

I am contemplating as to why webmasters should link my web Content and why should they recognize it? We need to market our web content with the following steps >>

To start with following process


People with digital content creation concept

1) Blog Creation:

Create a blog and update the content on regular basis. Don’t forget to put following things in your blog >>

  • Add book mark option on this page
  • To put all social book media buttons, use AddThis. It will give you all social network buttons concurrently
  • Add Print This Page option in your blog
  • Link your new posts with your own networking channels including Facebook and Twitter
  • Use RSS feed for new syndication. FeedBurner is a good option for distributing your new posts
  • Offer other bloggers free content so that they publish your article in their blogs with your blog/website link
  • Open commenting options in your blog and reply to their comments to show that you are very genuine
  • Publish their relevant comments in your blog. It increases their trust on you


2) Social networking sites:

Social networking sites have a vital role to play in generating one way links for your quality content. It depends on how you approach? Social media optimization effectiveness works great when we get genuine users through social networking sites but for that you shall have to build your reputation towards your targeted niches. You can’t use SMO profile of your corporate sites which you created but have to use your own profile and smartly promote your web content which is added on your blog.

  • Facebook: Increase your likes on Facebook and allow users to comment on posts. Please follow the below steps
    • You shall have to participate on targeted community and build your trust on these communities
    • You have to build your community, you can create the groups as per targeted niches
    • You have to put your links which should be related to the topic with other’s informational links
    • Build your trust towards your community first, then publicize your corporate sites
    • You have to influence the users for increasing your likes on your posts but it should be very genuine
  • Twitter: Increase your followers on Twitter, they shall Tweet on your updates. Please follow the below steps
    • Create your own profile and use the same to market your content
    • Find out the some good blogs/journals within your niche and follow them
    • Post your blogs within pinching titles that will increase your retweets and users can publish the same link within their blogs/websites
  • Use LinkedIn for seeking writers/editors rather than potential users. Please follow the below steps >>
    • Figure out which is the best website from SEO content strategy prospective including PR, traffic, ranking, URL structure, internal linking, back links etc
    • Follow that company on LinkedIn and find out the right person who can be a senior editor, journalist, blogger and send him a friend request
  • While sending the request you will have to be very honest. You need to clearly explain your purpose. Once the request to publish your write ups on their websites with your company link is accepted, you will notice an improvement in your web traffic and sales


3) Blog commenting and Participation on Discussion Forums:

You have to look into this aspect and find out the best solutions to be most effective. See the below points >>

  • Follow your targeted niches’ blogs and forums and start your commenting/discussions. First build your trust then publish your blog link in your signature or as website URL along with blog comments
  • Don’t use terms like I agree with you, very nice article and excellent post. This is consider as spam and you will never get approval from good bloggers or you could be banned on good forums
  • Comment on thematic latest blogs/discussion with useful information or criticize all logically
  • Open new thread with very genuine question which could be specific but it should not be very generic otherwise you shall be banned on the forum

I shall add more in my next article but you all have to see all possible aspects which should be practically implemented from your end to popularize your web content. So start working otherwise your competitors shall definitely beat you.

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