An SEO call is an integral part of a business relationship. As a marketer, one should be aware that SEO calls revolve around the use of right phrases and communicative words, all which will consequently lead to a strong relationship being harbored.
However, there are certain phrases that hamper the success of an SEO call. These may stem from the client, and when they do, be warned, for it is not a good omen. In essence, these phrases should be avoided and tackled. Let’s have a look at the 5 top phrases that one should never ideally hear in an SEO call:
I’ve done SEO before, so I don’t need it
Most clients are of the oblivious view that once they do an SEO, they do not require it again. They perceive it as a one-time effort. Contrary to this popular belief, SEO should be done time and again. The key is to make continuously use of SEOs, and once you achieve your required goal, start all over again with a new and fresh SEO. As a marketer, your job is enlightening your client that regular SEO is essential, primarily for visitor’s incoming and eventual rankings. Therefore, don’t get surprised, and guide your client towards the right and yielding way!
Let’s do One-Page SEO
When clients do agree on doing SEO, they want it done on a single page. Now, as a digital marketer, you should be aware of the pros and cons of this. While a one-page SEO is precise, focused and to-the-point; it is nevertheless never aiming for the full and final picture. It is true that this one pager will be enough to get you started, but most clients must be made aware of the benefits of conducting a detailed and structured SEO.
Ideally, search engines are based on a number of factors; therefore, it demands equal importance. Either way, if your client is still adamant on doing a on-page SEO services, it is better to guide him on how to achieve the maximum results out of it.
One Keyword is Enough
In addition to the above phrases, one other phrase that you are sure to hear on an SEO call is the one pertaining to the keyword. Clients are ignorant to the fact how the use of accurate keywords with keyword research and analysis can make all the difference. In this regard, being a marketer, you should be able to filter the core keywords and the secondary ones, and make them appear to the client as promising and result yielding.
The client must be briefed how main search engines rely on certain keywords, gives Google’s example mainly, and steer him to use multiple keywords so that the visibility is assured! In this regard, you may give successful examples of other significant businesses that have made use of various keywords to get the desired online presence!
Guarantee that I will be on the First page if I do this SEO
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Today, Google has strictly banned this practice and if you hear this phrase, know that you have to adhere to the practices. It is your responsibility to outline the accepted practices and provide real and achievable expectations for your client. No SEO promises first-page visibility. Therefore, the key is to make the client realize that first-page presence comes after some hard work that stretches over an interval of time.
Let’s buy a Link
This may be one of the moments when you realize how ignorant your client is with respect to the basic commercial practices of maintaining an online domain. Don’t give up too soon though! It is true that Google keeps a strict check on such websites that pursue the idea of buying a link, and even imposes upon them heavy fines and other punishments to set viable precedents that will eventually deter this practice. Hence, as a marketer, make sure that your client understands the ethics and morals of the present online world. However, if the prospective client still insists on indulging in such practices, it is best to decline.
SEO calls are the first step that allows you to corner a client. One’s responses to these rather ignorant phrases truly matter as they will determine whether the client is on board or not.