‘Black hat’ SEO techniques you must be Refrain in 2017 before being penalized

In SEO Techniques

When we debate admiring SEO (Search engine optimization) an immense number of schemes pop up in our mind. SEO has been a consistent buzzword in the domain of digital marketing from a great time, and there are countless techniques to enhance your website SEO.


However, when we discuss the results, not everybody is pleased with it. The primary question is why? Despite putting tremendous efforts, and having attempted all that was suitable. Why are the outcomes not satisfying? And, appending to the torture, some of the websites were also penalized, restraining the particular website from appearing in any search result.  


So acknowledging this, the reason could be the implication of something we call ‘Black hat’ SEO techniques, intentionally or involuntarily. Google is barbarous with those who manipulate them and practice illegitimate techniques to gain website rankings. Hence, before google penalizes you and bangs the gateway against your website, it would be beneficial if you refrain from using the ‘Black hat SEO techniques’ and reboot your SEO tactics immediately.  


Here are few SEO techniques that you must avoid in 2017, irrespective of what you think of them and how much traffic they have acquired for you.

  1. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the violation of copyright act. Copying someone’s content and using that on your own website without mentioning the credit to the author is termed as the copyright violation, commonly known as plagiarism. Google penalizes you for practicing plagiarism. Moreover, search engines prefer unique content on the search result.
  2. Avoiding webmaster: Google webmaster is considered as a dedicated assistant for bloggers, helping them improve their website on technical and non-technical grounds. From time to time, google updates its algorithms to help websites rank themselves and their contents higher than their previous result, practicing ethical methods of SEO. Hence, webmaster updates you about their latest moderation and aware you on how to leverage these moderations effectively.
  3. Copying own content: Sometimes, some people often copy their own content on many occasions. They ignore that google will lower their ranking due to detection of duplicate content. It’s always considered a better use of time to write and leverage unique content rather than duplicating your own content.
  4. Keyword stuffing: Be it your content or your web page title and description, if it’s nothing more than a bunch of keywords united together to get a better result, chances are that the latest google updates will penalize your page. If the keywords don’t sound or feel natural, avoiding it is the best you can do.
  5. Links from irrelevant websites: Some websites use your page links on their websites, though it’s a good thing if someone is linking to your website. This linking will benefit you with a subsequent amount of traffic, but only if the website is related to your business. If the linked website is irrelevant to your website theme, the union would result in a penalty for your websites.
  6. Negative SEO: Negative SEO practices are unethical and unfair. The same is practiced by the competitors to degrade your SERP by linking your web pages with low-quality website. The motive is to bring your website in the light of Google algorithms to get your website penalized.
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